What physical qualities attract you to a person?
Top responses. Out of 161 female responses, these qualities were included in their descriptions
1. 48% Smile
2. 43% Body (having a nice butt, arms, shoulders, neck, and looking athletic)
3. 39% Eyes
4. 31% Height (taller than themselves)
5. 18% Facial Features (attractive facial features)
6. 18% Hair
7. 14% Personality
8. 2% Intelligence
9. 1% Confidence
What would turn you off from person?
Top responses. Out of 161 female responses, these qualities were included in their descriptions
1. 25% Attitude
2. 18% Looks (bad hair, nails, hygiene)
3. 14% Odor (body and mouth)
4. 13% Smoker
5. 12% Cockiness
6. 11% Teeth
7. 11% Arrogance
8. 6% No set goals
9. 4% Overweight
Unlike the male responses, there were no vulgar comments represented in the female responses
Describe an ideal first date:
Top responses. Out of 161 female responses, these were mentioned:
1. 34% Dinner
2. 31% Activity (going to the beach, dancing, having fun)
3. 24% Movie (going to the movies)
4. 20% Talking (getting to know each other)
5. 4% Coffee (relaxing with a cup of coffee)
Dinner and a movie were often mentioned together, while going to the beach was the most mentioned activity to do.
How long do you wait until you take your relationship to the next level: Engaged/ Marriage
Top results. Out of 161 female responses, these were mentioned:
1. 22% When it feels right
2. 19% Depends
3. 12% At least 2 years
4. 10% 6 months to 1 year
5. 9% At least 3 years
6. 8% Never got to that level
7. 8% 5 or more years
Do you say ‘I love you’ first or wait for your partner to say it?
Top results. Out of 161 female responses, these were mentioned:
1. 44% Wait for the other person to say it
2. 26% I do (either when the time is right, or I do all the time)
3. 14% Depends
4. 1% Mutual
5. 1% Not sure
6. 1% Never been in love
How does the media’s portrayal of dating influence your dating, if at all?
Top results. Out of 161 female responses, these were mentioned:
1. 63% It doesn’t
2. 29% It does
3. 4% N/A
4. 0.6% Don’t know
5. 0.6% Never dated
Those who stated that media portrayal of dating has had an influence on their dating had mentioned these specific reasons: the promotion of promiscuity and sex, dates need to be rich and lavish, and that there will always be a happy ending.
These two comments were the more elaborate of the results:
1) The media ever since a girl is young corrupts their mind into thinking that there is a prince charming waiting for them, and there are so many absurd magazines and movies that still enforce that idea. Which is the reason why most girls that a hard time dating because its not what they expected. So I've learned to not believe everything the media has proclaimed to be true
2) The media's portrayal of dating disgusts me. It was so far from accurate and persuades teens into thinking that it's normal. The media does not influence my dating and relationships at all... Maybe the media's style of dating is right for some people. But I know that if I acted like that, I would NOT get a second day because I wouldn't be acting myself. Dating is truly all about authenticity and the media's view definitely influences us to act a certain way.
written by: Steve Miller