Saturday, November 21, 2009

interview #3 conducted by Mariana Gost

Dating Interview
Preliminary Questions:
Name: M30
Male/ Female: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: 30
Sexuality: Gay/ Bisexual/ Straight/ Transgendered/ Intersex: Gay

M30 I will be asking you a series of question regarding dating. These questions are for an Anthropology project at Cal State University Fullerton. Your answers will be posted on a public Web blog. Do I have your verbal permission? Yes

When approaching a possible date:
1) If you are interested in someone, will you approach them first? If I know the other person is interested, cuz they are giving me the eye from across the room than yes.

2) If you are turned down, would you approach the same person again? No

3) So what physical qualities attract you to a person? I would say face is the main thing usually. I also like eyes and lips, as for body type it is not that important but skinny guys turn me on more.

4) What turn’s you off from a person? When a person has bad teeth and stinky breath, and I don’t like it when guys shaves their arms and legs and ass.

5) What about pick up lines? Have you ever used pick up lines or received pick up lines to initiate a conversation? I don’t use cheesy pick up lines. I don’t remember anyone every using lame pick up lines on me.

6) Now I know some guys out there might have this rule, but after meeting someone and exchanging numbers do you wait a certain amount of time to call them? I don’t know, I never followed any kind of rules. I will call the guy the next day, which is probably why I would freaked them out…lol.

7) Have you dated someone older or younger than you? Yes

8) How many years difference? When I was 21 years old I dated a guy who was 40. Currently my domestic partner is 9 months younger than I am.

9) So is age nothing but a number to you? Yes, for the most part. I have a general ‘rule of thumb’ if he’s hot it doesn’t matter as long as he is 18!

Early Dating:

10) If you’re going on the first few dates with someone, who do you expect to pay? Normally, I would say split the first date. But it depends. If a person asked me out on a date I would expect them to pay for the date.

11) What’s your ideal date? Its kind of boring but I would like to have a nice dinner and then get drinks. Either at home or out at a bar. Something really laid back.

12) How long do you wait to have sex with someone that you are dating?
In general I don’t have a rule with that one. With me there is little to no waiting period when it comes to sex.

13) How long do you date someone until you make the relationship official? Uhm it’s weird for me because I feel like next day we are an item. If I meet a guy and we like each other right away then where official.

14) Would you ever date more than one person at the same time?
No, I would not be opposed to it but I have not dated more than one person at a time in the past .

15) Would you date outside of your race? Yes, my last boyfriend was Mexican.

Serious Relationships:

16) Have you ever been in a serious relationship? Yes, I am currently in a domestic partnership.

17) In a serious relationship, have you cheated on someone? Yes, with my last boyfriend, but is it really cheating if the other person knows about it?

18) How long do you wait until you take your relationship to the next level: Engaged/ Marriage/move in with someone?
With my current partner we would stay at each other’s houses all the time and then we moved to L.A. together. So then I guess that made ‘living together official’ this happened over the course of a year or so. As for engagement/marriage that doesn’t really apply to me. I will be a year in December that our domestic partnership was official. We register more as a formality. We had been together for three years before that.

19) Will you live with someone while dating them? Yes

20) Have you said ‘I love you’ first or do you wait for your partner to say it? In the past I have probably been the first person to say it. But the first time I told someone I love you I was drunk.

21) Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes, but there different versions of love at first site. Uhm, I guess so. When you see someone you kind of know you have a connection with you can call that love at first site. But then sometimes you think there is a connection and there isn’t one. I think that love at first site is often confused with lust.

1 comment:

  1. I was especially interested in the question pertaining to the "next level" in a gay relationship. The guy being interviewed was really honest and I would have liked to read more on the perception of domestic partnership, engagement and gay marriage.
